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• The Film
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Scroll down to see our official trailer!

Learn more about:
• The Film
The Filmmakers
Frequently Asked Questions

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Can You Hear Them Calling?

"The 46ers" is a new documentary film from young filmmaker Blake Cortright, director of the 2010 documentary short "The First Encampment."  

The film seeks to discover what transforms ordinary men and women into the legendary 46ers. The project began in the summer of 2012 when Blake first experienced the commanding view atop the lofty summit of Mt. Marcy, NY's tallest mountain. 

Over the last two years, the filmmakers interviewed more than twenty 46ers and aspiring 46ers, hiked over 100 miles, and filmed over 100 hours of footage. The crew summited several High Peaks and many shorter hills carrying camera gear to capture the film's breathtaking scenery. The mountains provide an incredibly vast and wild backdrop for the documentary, inspiring a sense of scale and wonder.  

So the question remains...Can you hear them calling? 

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What's a 46er?

The 46ers are the people who hike all of New York's 46 Highest Peaks. 

What's a 46er?

The 46ers are the people who hike all of New York's 46 Highest Peaks. 


The Adirondack 46ers are individuals who have climbed all 46 High Peaks of the Adirondacks. The first 46ers were an unlikely band of fellows: Adirondack Guide Herbert Clark and the young brothers Robert and George Marshall. They identified 46 mountains in Upstate New York with an elevation of 4,000 feet or higher. Between 1918 and 1925 they hiked to the top of all 46 peaks. 

Since then, over 7,000 people have done the same. Although subsequent surveys have found that four of these peaks are under 4,000 feet, these original peaks are still the basis for becoming a 46er.  

This documentary tells the stories of many ordinary men and women who have done the extraordinary. Through extensive nature footage the film will highlight the inspiring beauty of Upstate New York, educate the public about environmental conservation and safety, and encourage people of all ages to explore the beauty of these natural wonders.